Late afternoon today, after the tower crane exercise and the previous incident, the team was again paged by NWAS (Manchester locality) for assistance at a golf course in Shevington, Standish area with the report of a collapsed person away from the nearest road.
Our Deputy Leader, Geoff Seddon, quickly established that Helimed 08 (which had also been called to the incident) could access the location with ease and determined that there was no need for a team response.
This incident has not been logged by the team but illustrates the quick reflexes by Ambulance Control in contacting the team whenever there may be need of our assistance. (Incidentally, within the four minutes of the pagers going off to contact Ambulance control and our DTL sending a stand down message via pagers, one team vehicle with 3 persons on board was ready to make a response from our LBH base).