Every month the Friendship Lodge 2488, R.A.O.B. G.L.E. ltd holds a prize bingo session in the Crown Hotel, Horwich, with the monthly proceeds going to a local charity or good cause.
On their evening session tonight they kindly decided that the team would be their charity of choice.
Team member Chris Tennant and his wife Tina Tennant (a member of our Support Group) jointly attended as representatives of the team and were amazed to be on hand when a fantastic donation of £128 was handed over as a result of the night’s excellent entertainment.
Thanks to everyone at the Friendship Lodge, R.A.O.B, G.L.E. Ltd and all those bingo players on the evening for their suppport of the team.
Thanks also to the management and staff at the Crown Hotel, Horwich, for hosting the event on behalf of the team.