Today the team attended the One Halliwell “Repect Me, Respect You” cultural festival for Halliwell, which was held at the venue of Bolton Rugby Club, Avenue St, Bolton.
Excellent weather greeted the event which celebrated the cultural diversity of Haliwell whilst bringing together a wide ranging mix of intertnaional entertainment, music, dance and foods produced by local voluntary groups (the young people of Haliwell also showcased their talents.
The team displayed two of our Landrover Mountain Rescue ambulances and gave our new minibus its first public showing.
18 callout list team members were present throughout the day, with three Support Group members and former team member Ann Thompson, who also gave up her day to help.
The team held a second hand book stall fundraiser at the event, raising £109.72p for the team.
Amongst the many excellent activities held during the day were gymnastics displays, face painting, international dance from a very varied range of dance groups, live jazz from Greater Manchester Police orchestra, folk dancing, bird of prey demonstrations, a fire appliance from GMFRS on display, and many local groups advertising their services.
All members present wish to record the excellence of the day and the interesting varied dance and music programmes provided, along with a wealth of international food.