News archive

Jolly Crofters Fundraising Team

28th February 2011

At 19:20 this evening our Deputy Team Leader Geoff Seddon was contacted by Greater Manchester Police, who were requesting the team’s assistance in searching an area of woodland in Tyldesley, Wigan.

Earlier in the evening a concerned member of the public had contacted Police to report the possible abduction of a child by an adult male.

Concurrent with our search, the Police conducted house-to-house enquiries in the area to try and identify either the child or male. Although they did manage to interview another witness to the possible abduction, neither party was identified and there being no child reported missing, the search was stood down at 22:30, and the incident put down to a false alarm with good intent.

In total, 32 Bolton MRT members responded to this incident, working alongside GMP Divisional resources, the GMP Tactical Aid Unit from Claytonbrook, GMP Search Managers and the Air Support Unit helicopter, India 99.

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