Our superb and very valued team supporters and friends, The Holcombe Duo, aka Neil & Helen Grundy of Tottington, Alphorn Players, were engaged recently to play at Bromley Cross Fair on Saturday 12th May 2012. They collected £29+ in their Bolton MRT collecting tin and donated a further £100.00 to the team, which was very kindly and very supportively provided out of their appearance fee. This £129.00 raised follows a recent donation of £110.58 collected for Bolton MRT from their alphorn playing at Jumbles Reservoir over last summer. This brings the grand total collected for the Team since they started very kindly supporting us in 2007 to over £1,173.00.
Neil and Helen are arranging to send to us immediately the £100.00 part of their wonderful donation, whilst their £29.00 donation will be sent in the near future.