The whole team membership would like to extend its Christmas Best Wishes to all the valued readers of our website and to our 1,582 (As we write this) ‘Twitter’ followers and all who follow the team via our Facebook site.
To our many valued and appreciated friends and supporters, we send a sincere thank you for all your kindness, support and thoughtfulness shown to us over 2013.
To all the Land owners and Tenant Farmers who so freely allow us to access their land for our essential training activities, we offer seasonal thanks.
To our friends and colleagues in the Statutory Emergency Services, (Fire, Police and Ambulance) Mountain Rescue and Lowland Search and Rescue Teams, the British Red Cross, Local Authority Civil Contingencies staff, Local Resilience Forums, RAYNET, St John Ambulance, The Salvation Army, the North West Air Ambulance, national Police Air Service and the RAF SAR force, we extend all seasons greetings and the hope that the demands on our services over Christmas are not too onerous, stay safe folks.