Once a month we hold a Vehicles, Trailers, SAR Boat and Base / HQ Valet and Vehicles checks day.
This is held in addition to our vehicles being cleaned and checked over after every use, and routine team equipment checks.
Our ‘Valet Day’ as it is referred to within the team, sees all six of our vehicles pressure jetted, washed down and the interiors cleaned (With two waxes and polishes per year in the summer months)
In addition minor maintenance issues are addressed, such as today when a Land Rover mudflap that had been damaged and ‘fallen off’ was repaired and refixed to the vehicle.
Our trailers and SAR boat are also checked over and cleaned, whilst our Base / HQ premises including our Toilet and Shower Block are vacuumed, dusted, polished, washed down, mopped out, brushed out, and tidied up (Pick all and any combinations!)
Today saw 17x Team Call Out list members attending to carry out these tasks, alongside grateful help from team Support Group members Iain Clarkson, Sarah Hindle and Andrew Hitchon.
Our Team webmasters Paul Brain and Steve Fletcher were also busy today carrying out some final tweaks and touches to the teams soon to go public completely new look *website*
(Webmaster; Rumours today that our Chairman Craig Lamb was seen actually handling vehicle tools and doing some maintenance work are true, as is the sight yet again of our Team Leader washing *his* team vehicle, BM6!)