On Saturday 15th August 2015, the team provided standby rescue cover for the annual Darwen Gala Fell Race, held as part of the Darwen Gala (See website ‘News’ report dated the same)
This year the Fell Race was organised by Darwen Running Group and was well attended with 142 runners.
We are very pleased to announce today the receipt of a kind £50.00 donation from Darwen Running Group, regards our provision of standby rescue cover on Saturday 15th August.
The whole team membership extends its thanks to the members of Darwen Running Group for supporting us in this generous manner.
We are happy to continue our association with providing standby rescue cover for this annual event, which raised donations this year for Bolton MRT, Sarcoma Cancer Care, and local Scouts who assisted with marshalling the event.
Please note that on the Fell Race, or rather at its conclusion, we also received a very kind £50.00 donation from the Darwen Gala Committee, via team friend and long standing valued supporter Vanessa Moore.