Commencing today and all day tomorrow, long serving and very experienced team member Ged Clarke, is attending a third weekend of a what was a two part / two weekend specialist training course arranged by our national body, Mountain Rescue England and Wales, to train mountain rescue 4×4 driver instructors.
The first weekend took place over Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th September 2015, with the second weekend on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th September 2015.
The aim of the course is to train regional mountain rescuers with relevant necessary pre-course experience in 4×4 driving experience and knowledge, to be 4×4 driver mountain rescue instructors.
The course itself is designed not only to teach 4×4 techniques and awareness, but also more importantly deals with how to pass on this knowledge and instruct others.
Ged Clarke journeyed to Doncaster for the first two weekends of this intensive training, with AA Drive Tech acting as the training provider, and the course being accredited by ROSPA.
This weekend’s course venue is at Bala.
Ged is attending alongside other mountain rescuers from across MREW including colleague MPSRO members.
An additional report on this very interesting and comprehensive training course will be available soon within our website.