On Sunday 11th January 2015, the team was involved in a sad incident when Fred Miley, a member of Halton Ramblers, fatally collapsed whilst on a hill walk on Spitlers Edge (Please see website ‘News’ report, Incident 20 dated the same)
Along with NWAS, NWAA and Lancashire Constabulary, the team responded to Fred’s aid, and took part in the subsequent sad evacuation from the hill side.
Yesterday evening, Tuesday 3rd February, our Treasurer Martin Banks, received the following kind email comment from Richard Cage of Halton Ramblers;
“Hello Martin.
Thank you for the form, the cheque donation will be posted within a couple of days.
Our group take out an average of 70 walkers every second Sunday and we can cope with the odd cut or sprain, (even once a suspected broken ankle), heat stroke, dehydration etc. but beyond initial CPR and mouth to mouth resuscitation we would be lost without the services that your team provide.
Thank you all for the service you provide.
Richard Cage, Halton Group Walk Co-ordinator.”