On Sunday 29th March 2015, we reported within the website that very experienced team operational member Matthew Hailwood, aged 25 at the time, had undertaken his last formal team appearance, before setting off in mid April for a six month appointment at sea, with cruise company Royal Caribbean.
Matthew, who has been with the team since joining aged 17 in February 2007, was working with Royal Caribbean as a Sound Technician on cruise liners in Asia.
On Wednesday 25th November 2015, Matthew formally returned to the team operational membership, with a warm welcome back from all his team colleagues, and was then reissued with a full set of team kit.
A life on the ocean waves has called Matthew again for another stint on Cruise Liners, and tonight we bade farewell to Matthew for another late Spring and summer cruising sunnier climes.
Matthew plans to return to the operational team membership in August 2016.