Our readers may remember back in June 2014, the team provided safety cover for the Edgworth Reservoir Challenge which was a 5k and 10k race around Wayoh and Entwistle reservoirs.
The organisers of those races and the accompanying fun day (Enriched Events) raised money on this occasion for Mistletoe Cancer UK and the Barlow, Edgworth, both very good causes.
This year they have planned a running series called the Edgworth Reservoir Challenge to raise money for charity, and have decided to make BMRT their charity of the year. Therefore money raised from these three events will be donated to us. Here are the details:
- 7th May 2017 @ 11am 5k race around Wayoh reservoir.
- 11th June 2017 @ 11am 10k race around Wayoh and Entwistle reservoirs.
- 2nd July 2017 @10am ½ marathon twice around Wayoh and Entwistle reservoirs.
We have been asked to provide safety cover for all three of these events.
Alistair and Chris have recently met with Michelle and Tracy of Enriched Events to discuss the safety cover and event promotion. They are keen to raise as much money as possible for us and would appreciate our help, and our readers help, in promoting these events. The more people who enter these races, the more money will be raised for us.
For anybody wishing to run in any or all of these races, booking is online at www.runbritain.com