Reported at our Thursday 22nd February Support Group meeting was the fantastic news that our Collecting Box income for this year to date is already at the grand total of £496.15, with income for February contributing £283.19 to this grand total. With 2x new sites coming on stream, the team now has 155x Collecting boxes out and about at various locations.
All are regularly visited, emptied and Letters of Thanks quickly circulated, also obviously listing the box contents. (a feature that is often commented favourably upon by our many Collection box venue holders.)
Thanks are due to all the locations who so kindly host a Bolton MRT Collecting Box, and whether the income is small or large it is all equally appreciated by the team membership, and goes a considerable way to assisting us with our annual running costs.
Thanks are also due of course to all in our Support Group who administer our Collecting Box appeal, and who do all the hard work of visiting all the locations, counting the money collected and sending out the appropriate letters of thanks.
Such is the continuing success of our Collecting Boxes, that our Support Group have just ordered a further 40x boxes, so look out for one coming to a location near you soon, (thats if there’s not one there already !)
If anybody wishes to join our Support Group, which has a much wider remit than just helping the team with fundraising, then the next monthly meeting of the Bolton MRT Support Group, which now has a membership of 9x members, is on Thursday 29th March, at our Ladybridge Hall base, commencing at 19.30hrs, the following meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 1st May, same venue, same time.