Today our Team Leader Garry Rhodes MBE received from Cath Nally, Civil Contingencies Officer for Bolton Council, the following kind email;
“Dear all, Just wanted to say thank you to all those involved in the planning for and/or participation in the ‘Get Ready for Winter Event.’ The day seemed to go very well and seemed to be very enjoyable to all who attended.
We are putting an article together with some photographs of the day to send to the Emergency Planning Society which hopefully will reach their “Resilience” magazine.
We are hoping to make an annual event of promoting resilience and how all agencies work together and I hope that you might consider being involved next time.”
“Thanks again, best regards, Cath.”
The Bolton MRT will certainly support any future event of this nature, as it is a great way of getting the work of our team and mountain rescue in general across to the community we serve.
The day for us was a great success, as can be gauged from our website ‘news’ report dated Thursday 25th October 2012.