Today our Team President (And former Team Leader) Bob Hutchinson and former SARDA Dog Handler and long serving team member Dave Marsh (Along with his Trainee Drowned Victim Search Dog Sasha) attended a presentation to the Year 3 pupils at St Stephens Primary School, Elton, Bury, as they have very kindly chosen the Bolton MRT to be their nominated charity for the year.
The Team had visited the school some years ago and it was felt by Teacher Mrs. Adele Ronson, that a return visit would be most beneficial, particularly as we were their nominated charity.
A DVD presentation began the proceedings, which outlined to the children, the type of work and rescues the team gets involved with.
Following a searching question and answer session, all duly formed up in a ’crocodile’ to transfer from classroom to playground.
Each child took their turn to climb into the Team Land Rover Mountain Rescue Ambulance (BM2) Bob and Dave had arrived in.
Bob then showed the pupils what all the dials and buttons were for, cue much blarring of nee naws and flashing blue lights aplenty!
Fortunately, the weather held off, so after a look at some of the equipment we store in the back of the motors, the children who were very well behaved, went back to their normal classroom activities.
The team would like to thank all at St Stephens Primary School, Elton, Bury, especially the Year 3 pupils and teachers, for their warm welcome, obvious interest in the work of the Bolton MRT, and for their support for us in adopting us as their ‘Charity of the Year.’