As promised in our report of Sunday 7th September 2014, please find below a short report by our Trainee Air Scenting Search Dog Handler Jess Ellsmore on her recent training weekend away with SARDA England, along with of course her Trainee Search Dog Blitz.
“On Friday Evening 5th September, Blitz and I travelled up to Ingleton in the Yorkshire Dales, for Septembers national SARDA course.
Blitz continued to make good progress in his stage 1 Training over the weekend.
It was lovely to meet up with fellow MR members from up and down the country and most importantly it was great to see all the SARDA dogs and see the progress that all the trainee dogs are making.
Ingleton is always a fantastic course and this is due to all the work that’s put in to organise:
Accommodation, Training areas, Instruction from graded handlers for all Trainee dog teams and the crucial bit…. Having amazing Dogs Bodies that give up their time to help us train our dogs, we wouldn’t be able to do it without you.
Thank you to everyone for a fantastic weekend, Jess & Blitz.”